Calibration Time – C’mon!

sakura tree

Calibration is a technique used to put yourself in a better mood, in simpler terms. So why? Calibration, pivoting, and segment intending are all techniques by Abraham to help you to align.

It puts you in a higher frequency to vibrate at the same frequency as what you asked for. Your emotions and your feelings are your indicators to knowing whether you are not in alignment or whether you are tuned in to a higher frequency.  Like a radio dial that has to be tuned in to receive the radio station. 

So when you are happy you are in alignment and are producing a pretty good vibe that can attract the things from your vortex (the things you want to touch, see, hear, feel, and taste).

Negative emotions will tell you that you are not in alignment and not vibrating at the right frequency to attract or manifest those awesome things you always wanted. There are really only two ends of the stick.  Positive and negative. Happy or unhappy.  Good feeling thoughts versus bad feeling thoughts.  

Think of something you want, never what you don’t want, and try to be general at first.

Here are some general statements to help you get started:

  • I love how things are always working out for me.
  • I am a good calibrator.
  • I love this feeling of knowing how to do this.
  • I love knowing that my life is overflowing with opportunities of growth.
  • I love knowing that I can attract anything I want into my reality.
  • I love knowing that the universe has my back.
  • I love this feeling of knowing that I am loved by my inner being.
  • I love knowing that I always have my inner being to guide me down the path of least resistance.

Another way to do this is to write these out and read it back to yourself.  Reach for thoughts and phrases that will put you in a better mood.  This will put you in alignment which will then put in direct contact to the receiving end of what you want.

Yay! Now just relax and let it come to you. 

Segment Intending – Technique

Your day can be separated into segments. Waking up, having a shower, driving your car, answering the phone, cooking etc. Before each segment of your day, set your intention by calibrating to how you want each segment to turn out. This will teach you to be more mindful of how you feel and the activities throughout your day.

Here are some phrases to say to yourself:

  • This hot shower is going to feel so good.
  • I am so grateful to have a car that can take me safely to where I want to go.
  • I love the taste and smell of coffee in the morning to wake me up.
  • I love knowing that this next conversation I have will be very positive and uplifting.

Being more specific about each segment is the best way here.