Vibration and Alignment

Everything is energy.  Energy is vibration

You cannot see it but can sometimes feel it.   Microwaves are invisible but can be felt as heat.  Your thoughts are energy that vibrates into manifestations you can see, hear, touch, and feel.  So whatever you think turns to vibrations either negative or positive.  These vibrations have different frequencies, like turning a radio dial to get a different radio station.  You can tune or align to different frequencies.  

The Source is of the highest vibration right next to your inner being.  That inner being is guiding you to tune in or align with whatever you want.  But to be aligned with your inner being is to have your vibration match.  You will then feel amazing as your inner being always does.  To raise your vibration is to feel good.  It can then tune to a frequency that will match what you desire.  When that happens and your vibrations match, life opens up to so many good possibilities. 

To be aligned with source energy is a good feeling.  When you are not aligned, there are negative feelings or emotions.  Therefore,  you are not vibrating at a frequency that will bring your true desires.

Feeling good now, no matter what is happening inside or outside your body is the key.