symmetrical photography of clouds covered blue sky

The 3 Steps To Manifest Anything

Manifesting is bringing your desires into your existence or physical reality.

Step 1:

Ask. Through our vibrations, it is sent out to the universe as rockets of desire that we ask for what we want whether we do it on purpose or not. Because we are creators, we are always creating more and sending these desires into the universe and into our vortex of desire. Through a contrasting situation we learn what we don’t want so in turn we know what we do want instead.

More money, a relationship, a better body, a better job or a new car, etc. The important thing is to ask what you want but not from a state of lack or need. Meaning, “I am so broke that I need more money to pay my bills”, “my partner and I do not get along, so I wish for a better relationship”, “my job sucks, so I need a better job”, and “I need a car because mine is falling apart”. The point here is to be in a state of least resistance or in a good place in your mind without feeling the lack of something when you ask. How would getting what you want make you feel?

Feel like you already have your desire.

Don’t look at it objectively and expect your desires to make you happy once you get these things. You have to be happy first by using one of the techniques I have listed in my previous blogs.

Step 2:

It is Given To You whether you do it on purpose or not. That’s the law. This is when synchronicity happens – when you are aligned and feeling in a pretty good state, you can see evidence of things changing and getting closer to you. Everything you have desired is in your vortex.

I like to imagine it just floating around in another dimension just waiting for me to line up to it and it just slides down to me by a rope. Isn’t it exciting to know that your desires are right there at your fingertips and they are there waiting for you to allow them into your life? But asking for it is only the first step. Try to keep the momentum of relief, well-being, happiness, joy, or a better feeling thought going as well. You can push things away that are coming closer to your existence by that negative energy thing. So watch out for that push-pull scenario. Always know that there is a gestation time before it comes to you.

Enjoy the journey and know that it is on its way!

Step 3:

Feel Good To Allow, align, release resistance, raise your vibration, or get into the receiving mode. Your point of attraction is the point of your feelings. Your feelings are like the button to allow what is in your vortex to come to you. Practice the thoughts that feel good until you are allowing what you want. This will put you into the right place for the things that you put into your vortex to line up with you and your vibration and it will just come right into your existence. You will always know if you are in that state of allowing if you feel good. If you feel bad then what? Notice, acknowledge, accept, then change how you feel about the situation, meditate, or sleep to stop the negative momentum. You must also believe that your desire is possible. To ask for something is only step one.

Match your desire with a similar positive belief that is felt and feel the eagerness to receive.

The Toaster

This analogy is one of my favorites, that I have heard from Abraham -Hicks. This toaster has to be plugged in to receive power or electricity to work. As you do, to be plugged in to the source energy through good feelings thoughts, is when you are in a high vibration to receive what you have asked for. The dial on the toaster is set to just the right amount of lightness of darkness to what you want, as you have a vibrational frequency of what you are focusing on to receive. So what you focus on or your desire is your dial. The cord of the toaster is like your good feeling thoughts being plugged in to the source energy. The vibration flows as energy does down a plugged in cord.

Things are always working out for me!