Synchronicity or Coincidence?

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Synchronicity is fun and happens even when you don’t notice. Waking up in the morning feeling alright, doing your normal routine. Nothing unusual and nothing too interesting or out of the “norm”. What if your day started off slightly different than yesterday? Would you notice then?

It happens to me a lot. What do I mean by this? When your life experience brings one or more events which appear related but have no connection. That is the google definition. It can be considered a coincidence too. Abraham’s definition is; the LOA’s effect on a variety of components of like vibration.

It feels like the universe is being playful and mixing things up. Keeping us on our toes. Most times is when it’s least expected.

Some examples of this can be as simple as getting a genuine smile from a stranger that is uplifting, or as big as receiving a surprise gift, getting a phone call from someone just after you thought about them, or talked about them, arriving in a hurry to a store just before it closes, tripping but catching yourself before you fell to the ground. Some simple and some can be amazing.

The other day I had a plant fall off a shelf in another room of my house. My sister who has passed gave it to me as a house warming gift. It took me almost 30 minutes to clean it up. Noticing it was getting root bound so I put it in two other pots. I was pleased with the results in the end. The law of attraction says we are the creators of our own experience. So somehow I created this.

Some of these events I have no explanation as to why but welcome the experience, not as a negative situation but to learn and create more positive experiences. I have learned to look at a situation as the cup half full not half empty. There is always a reason but I do not dwell on the why or how. Use your guidance system, your emotions, as an indicator. What is going on right now in your life? How are you feeling before and after the event? You will definitely notice more synchronicities when you are in alignment, bringing them into your experience. There are two scenarios, the experience you want and the absence of it.

If it is a contrasting event remember that you are the creator of your improved experience.

To fear, or worry about the event or future can pull you out of alignment and lower your vibration. Relax, laugh, and calibrate to a better feeling thought, enjoy the unfolding of life, and you will bring more positive into your life experience.

Life is supposed to be fun!