It’s All In Your Mind – Your Guidance System

How are you feeling right now? Sad, happy, worried, stressed, etc. This is really what it’s all about isn’t it is to feel better no matter what life brings you. That feeling of joy, happiness, eagerness, and love will get you through life much better than the opposite. To have that car, house, relationship, or whatever you want really comes down to how these things will make you feel when you get them.

Your guidance system is your emotions.

This teaches us to be more mindful and to notice the present moment of how we are feeling now instead of the future outcome.

So when you are feeling positive emotions you are aligned with source energy. When you are feeling negative emotions you are not aligned. This is an indicator or your guidance system that a change needs to happen to get back into alignment. If you continue to feel those negative feelings and emotions, it can attract more of that into your life. Use the techniques of calibration, or segment intending especially meditation to get back to those good feeling thoughts.

One more tip on this to remember is that the more you talk or think about a negative situation or feeling the more you attract similar to your experience. So be mindful of how you are feeling.